A convenient and natural temperaturescale to compare "low" and "high" to would be room temperature.
Anders Celsius (1701 to 1744) was the Swedish astronomer known for inventing the Celsius temperaturescale.
This amounts to making the temperaturescale such that the temperature at any point is proportional to the resistance of platinum at that point.
On Sir Isaac Newton's temperaturescale, where freezing is zero and the heat of the human body is twelve, it is probably four or five.
During the 14-billion-year expansion that followed, the background temperature of the universe has dropped to a mere 2.7 degrees on the absolute (Kelvin) temperaturescale.
Ús de scale of temperature en anglès
Then the basin comes again into play, and we glide once more musically through the scaleoftemperature.
As a result, between the years 1640 and 1780 at least 35 different scalesoftemperature were proposed and came into limited use.